My bf is always quiet but i don't think that he's thinking bout how good am i.
When a guy is lying on his bed, he is thinking deeply why he loves you.
I can't comment much on this, so bah!
When a guy looks at you in your eyes, he wants to tell you how much he loves you and how important you're.
Weird thing, my bf don't look me in my eyes. Means he doesn't love me and i'm not important to him?
When a guy answers "I'm Fine" after a while, he is not and feels hurts.
He never says "I'm fine" to me because if i were to raise an issue about anything, not like he will stay quiet and say that he's alright. He rebels, so what does that mean?
When a guy keep asking you the same question, he is wondering why you are lying.
What kinda questions? Well, no doubt if he doesn't trust me as much as when we first started off.
When a guy hugs you while sleeping, he is wishing that you belongs to him forever.
Not like i want to sleep with him, let alone giving him a chance to hug me. For now.
When a guy calls you everyday, he miss you and wants your attention.
He doesn't call me everyday, means he don't miss me. Yay! And after all, he has got a whole bunch of friends, he doesn't need my attention.
When a guy wants to see you everyday, he cares for you and want to know how are you today.
More like he needs to see his friends more than me.
When a guy sms's u everyday, he wants you to know he is fine.
He sms-es me because it was a promise he made. The same mundane words repeated everyday. He not sick of it, i always no feel already larh. It is more like a responsibility, not a will.
When a guy says I love you, he really means it.
I've got quite a few guys saying that three magical words, but how many really mean it? It doesn't even take them a month to go after another girl.
When a guy says that he can't live without you, he has made up his mind that you are his future wife.
The guy who told me that he can't live without me is living happily ever after with another girl.
When a guy says "I Miss You", he wants to see you immediately.
Total rubbish! So if he doesn't say anything means he doesn't want to see me? Brilliant!
I bet this stupid crap must have been written by a guy. What utter nonsense!
First time here and I really liked the interpretation. MY guy is kinds like that too (interpretation) Well surely it's written by a man ;)
Come to think of it he's not exactly like that but what the hell - it's written by a amn for sure :P
Gosh I have to say that THIS HAS TO BE WRITTEN BY A GUY!!
My guy I dunno hahahah I have to really investigate about these points with him. I do know that he does love me and hope he thinks of me all the time. lol but This is a man, and well we know they don't multi tasked well haha
utterest nonsense this is...
and no its not been written by a man for sure... these are hilarious assumptions and every man knows the truth of how wrong these are!!! :)
guys are just so helpless and to get their way, they will have to go through something as predictable as this :P
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